Technology Instructions



When in use, Seeland’s Heat products must be connected to a power bank, but it is important to note that power banks vary considerably. Some have on/off buttons, while others have power-saving functions.

Such differences can affect how your product performs for you. Consequently, we have assembled some useful information to help you get the most out of your Seeland Heat product.

How to use a Seeland Heat product without using our App:

1. Connect your Seeland Heat product to a power bank. The button on the product will turn light blue, indicating the lowest Heat setting.

2. Set the Heat to the desired temperature. Orange is for medium temperature and red is for the highest temperature.

3. If you have a power bank with a power-saving function, please note the following: If the product has been set to a higher temperature and you reduce it to a lower one, the power bank may turn itself off. If this happens to you, wait until your Seeland Heat product has cooled down and then turn it on again by pressing the on/off button or removing and reinserting the power bank connector.

How to use a Seeland Heat product in conjunction with our App:

1. Download the i-Warm 4 Control App and open it. Read the set-up guide and then close it by pressing the X button.

2. Connect your Seeland Heat product to a power bank. The button on the product will turn light blue, indicating the lowest Heat setting.

3. Hold down the button on the Seeland Heat product until it blinks dark blue.

4. Press the wheel in the App (tap to connect), which will pair the product with the App.

5. Set-up is now complete. You can adjust the Heat by simply turning the wheel in the App.

6. If you have a power bank with a power-saving function, please note the following: If the product has been set to a higher temperature and you reduce it to a lower one, the power bank may turn itself off. If this happens to you, wait until your Seeland Heat product has cooled down and then turn it on again by pressing the on/off button or removing and reinserting the power bank connector. You then need to pair the product with the App again.

If you are unsure if your power bank has a power-saving function, check with your retailer. We recommend using a 10,000 mAh power bank with an output of 5V/2A. Seeland’s power bank has a built-in power-saving function.

Heat products

Seeland Heat jacket


389.95 EUR

Seeland Heat jacket

389.95 EUR

Seeland Heat waistcoat


319.95 EUR

Seeland Heat waistcoat

319.95 EUR

Seeland Heat Power bank

Die Seeland Power Bank enthält eine Lithium-Polymer-Batterie mit einer Kapazität von 10.000 mAh und einem 5 V/2,0 A-Ein-/Ausgang. Die Ladezeit beträgt ca. 6 Stunden und die Power Bank kann ca. 500 mal aufgeladen werden. Die Power Bank kann bei Temperaturen zwischen -10 °C und 45 °C verwendet werden. Ein Mikro-USB-Ladekabel ist im Lieferumfang enthalten, und neben dem USB-Anschluss bietet die Power Bank außerdem eine LED-Ladestandanzeige. Die Power Bank bietet Schutz vor Kurzschlüssen, Überspannung, falschem Anschluss und Überhitzung. Bei Nichtgebrauch wechselt sie automatisch in den Standby-Modus, um die Batterieleistung zu schonen.

69.95 EUR

Seeland Heat Power bank

69.95 EUR